Swooptopia: Open for Business!

Last week, students set up their business store fronts and opened for business! Business partners have been conducting commerce and reflecting on what works well, areas of growth, ideas for the ext business day, and their success of collaboration.

Throughout this process, students will work on changing and adapting their business models to increase earnings.

Students also learned how to balance their deposits, withdrawals, and balance in a check register.

2 Responses

  1. Theresa Whalen May 5, 2017 at 7:24 pm | | Reply

    I am the Grandmother of John and Joseph Hereford and they keep me up to date on all the project they are involved with at School. I am always so amazed with their ability to use their imagination and engineering skills to build what I would consider to be an upper school project. All of these wonderful kids are so intelligent and are encouraged to use all their faculties in developing these projects. Laguna Blanca School builds the leaders of tomorrow. If only all children could receive what they are exposed to ; what a wonderful world we would have. Keep up the good work young men and women of tomorrow . I hope I will live long enough to experience what you all have to give this world. Nana Whalen

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